Our vision is a world in which all people recognise the value of trees.

Our mission is to bring people together to grow and plant trees and to achieve healthy, productive, sustainable communities and landscapes.

The planet has lost one third of it's forests. In Australia, we have cleared over 50 per cent of our native forests in the last two centuries. Sadly, we are also responsible for the world's worst record of mass species extinction.

Since 1979, we have been dedicated to planting trees for the health of our planet, and it has never been so critical that we continue to do so. We plant local native species, and most are grown in our community nursery.

Each year, together with thousands of community volunteers, we restore ecosystems, protect wetlands and our precious drinking water supplies, rebuild habitats for native wildlife and educate people how to take REAL tangible steps to slow the impacts of climate change.

There are so many critical reasons why we need trees:

  • Carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen production
  • Shade and protection
  • Habitat for wildlife
  • Air purification
  • Nutrient cycling for healthy soils
  • Sound insulation
  • Soil stabilisation
  • Climate regulation
  • Cloud formation and precipitation
  • Soil fertility

Over 15 million trees and understory species planted. With your help we can do more.

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