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Hasluck Volunteer of the Year Awards

August 12, 2024

Two of our dedicated volunteers, Rob Fyfe and James Bailey, were nominated for the inaugural Hasluck Volunteer Awards, which were hosted by Tania Lawrence MP at Midland Town Hall on Saturday night.

James was recognised for the many hours he commits to volunteering both in our community nursery and out on community planting days. Since he started volunteering four years ago, James has become an indispensible team member, always happy to take on a variety of tasks from propagation to maintenance. Thank you James!

Rob took out the top prize in the environmental volunteer category. The judges recognised his unwavering commitment to the work of Trillion Trees in many ways. He is proudly continuing his family legacy - the Trillion Trees Hazelmere base was generously gifted to the organisation by Rob's parents.

Rob is a regular volunteer in our community nursery, attends many community and corporate planting days, and also supports our SPROUT! schools program. He has recently stepped up to become a board member. And of course he is highly regarded for the scones he bakes for the volunteer crew almost every week! Congratulations Rob and thank you for everything you do!

Every week up to 80 regular volunteers support our community nursery, enabling us to propagate over 200,000 native plants per annum. We also welcome volunteers in our grounds maintenance team and supporting our nature care programs. Every community planting day sees over 120 volunteers of all ages join us to plant trees in Perth. We also encourage volunteers to support our school incursions through our SPROUT! schools program.

For more information about volunteering opportunities at Trillion Trees Australia please click here

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