The Noongar season of Kambarang usually starting in October, is the 'second spring' and a time of longer dry periods and warmer weather. You'll see the Kulbardi (magpie) swooping and protecting its nest, and reptiles awaken from hibernation, reenergising in the sun and hunting for food.
The plant world is bursting with new life as wildflowers blaze into colour. Enjoy the diverse flowers of the banksia, abundant small flowering plants like Kangaroo Paws (Anigozanthos), and delicate native orchids. Melaleucas and Peppermint trees (Agonis flexuosa) are cascading into bloom, and red flowering grevilleas are ripe with colour.
Is it too late to plant natives?
Donna Canci, Trillion Trees Nursery Manager says, "No way, it’s perfect!"
“The soil is warming but it's still holding moisture from winter rains, so there is time to plant natives in your garden if you can give them a boost with extra hand watering through their first summer."
Donna has a few tips to help your natives survive and thrive in the warmer months.
“When you've dug your hole, fill it with water and let it drain. Add some granulated soil wetter and a native slow-release fertiliser tablet. Pop your plant in, making sure the top of the soil sits just below the soil in the ground. This will help stop the sun drying out the roots.
"Water your new plants in well. Natives love liquid kelp or seaweed, which is great for improving soil biology by encouraging micro-organisms that your plants need to thrive.”
"Mulch is helpful in holding in moisture and restricting weeds. I'd suggest 5 to 10cm deep, keeping it away from the stem so it doesn't rot."
Donna's final tip is to water every day for the first few days, then twice a week for a few weeks and then just once a week especially through the first summer. Deep, longer watering is better than a more frequent quick spray.

Ready to get started?
Trillion Trees Australia stocks hundreds of Australian plant species specialising in WA natives, it is your one stop shop for expert advice, great prices and specialist orders. Get in touch with the nursery for our latest catalogue.
In bloom right now you'll find Verticordia plumosa (Plumed Feather Flower), Patersonia occidentalis (Native Iris), Chorizema cordatum (Heart-leaf flame pea), Conostylis candicans (Grey cottonhead) and a wide range of banksias, eucalypts, melaleucas and acacias.