Uniting for a Greener Tomorrow

At Trillion Trees, we're committed to reversing the damage caused by land clearing and habitat loss, by engaging local communities in Western Australia in tree planting and landscape restoration.

Our mission is to bring people together to grow and plant trees and to achieve healthy, productive, sustainable communities and landscapes across Western Australia.

Every Contribution Matters 

Join the movement to plant more trees by donating today.

Whether it's a one-time gift, ongoing support, or a tailored contribution, your action makes a vital difference.

Over 15 million trees planted and counting…

To donate a custom recurring amount, visit our GiveNow page

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What we do #

We plant trees with people!

Trillion Trees Australia is empowering people to take tangible steps to combat climate change.

We deliver our mission through ecological restoration projects across Western Australia, the creation of locally focused education programs and building connected communities.

Trillion Trees Australia reconnects people with nature and fosters a love of, and respect for the natural environment.

Through volunteer engagement we regenerate the landscape, along with communities, to create a vibrant environment for future generations.

Get Involved #

Join us in making a real impact against climate change.

Events #

Join us in making a real impact against climate change.

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