ABC Perth reported that eminent Perth ecologist Prof. Kingsley Dixon estimates we need to urgently plant 2 million banksias in the Perth area – a critical food source for the three key local species of black cockatoos: Carnaby’s, Baudin’s and Forest Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos. Banksias need at least 10 years to mature enough to provide fruit so we need to get planting NOW!

We need to stop clearing their habitat and urgently replant the hundreds of thousands of hectares of woodland that have been cleared around Perth before these beautiful birds become extinct.
In 2025, we are planning to install nesting boxes at our restoration sites, providing crucial roosting and breeding places for black cockatoos until the trees we plant are large enough to support them.
As part of our commitment to biodiverse restoration projects, we plant a range of trees and native plants that will provide feeding and roosting sites for black cockatoos. We have regularly observed these beautiful birds at our existing restoration projects,including a flock of Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos sailing majestically overhead during a planting day at Guildford Meadows this winter.
Your donation will directly fund our tree planting projects in Perth and the Wheatbelt. Through community engagement and education, we will also continue to advocate for the critical importance of trees as part of healthy communities and landscapes.
From all of us here at Trillion Trees Australia, and from the native wildlife which doesn’t have a voice, we really appreciate your support this festive season.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible