Euc salmon

2024 CEO Message

January 02, 2024

As we say goodbye to the world’s hottest year on record, I invite you to make a New Year’s resolution to choose the future environment that you want. We need to repair the planet, let’s not leave it for the next generations.

Trillion Trees is committed to nature-based solutions to help combat climate change – by empowering communities to plant more trees, restore ecosystems and protect precious wildlife, we are making impactful changes for a healthier planet.

Last year, together we planted more than 136,000 native trees, shrubs and understorey plants to restore landscapes, protect habitat for wildlife and share our knowledge with the community in all that we do.

Thank you to our wonderful members, volunteers, donors, sponsors and partners many of whom make regular contributions all year long, to make sure we can get trees in the ground!

We’ve welcomed a new community nursery team which underpins our ambitious plans to grow more native plants in 2024 and beyond. Kim Kolb has returned to the Trillion Trees team after a year and in a new role as the SPROUT! Coordinator, driving and expanding our schools program.

This year, will be one of exciting change for our organisation as we continue transforming our homebase in Hazelmere, providing more opportunities for the community to connect with nature and expand our capacity to grow more and plant more trees. I look forward to sharing all this with you.

Finally, I want to express my deep appreciation for the dedicated Board and brilliant team of staff, who share our mission with the community through core activities, events and engagement.

In 2024, our 45th year, we will continue to help heal the planet and combat climate change.

Best wishes,

Denise True
Trillion Trees Australia

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