It is with sorrow and reflection, that we acknowledge the passing of Thom Scott, President of Trillion Trees Australia. Thom’s contribution to our organisation over nearly 30 years, and to the lives of those who share our mission for a greener planet, is truly immeasurable.
As our President from 2014 to 2021 and then again in 2023, valued board member since 1997 and Honorary Life Member in 2006, Thom’s unwavering goal was simple - he just wanted people to plant more trees. He’d do whatever he could to empower and engage the community to do exactly that.
It’s no exaggeration to say that millions of native trees and understory have been planted across Western Australia because Thom inspired people to show up, join in and make change happen.

The driving force behind our first NatureCare program, Thom encouraged and taught volunteers how to care for planting sites to ensure trees thrived. He was a key member of Western Australia’s first carbon trading organisation, Carbon Neutral, and a founding member of Activate Tree Planting, dedicated to restoring degraded land in the Wheatbelt. ‘Father’ to Perth City Farm, Thom’s kindness and openness was instrumental in changing many lives, for the better.
Always approachable, always ready to listen and share his knowledge in a kind and gentle way, Thom’s lifelong dedication to the value of tree planting was absolute, both physically, and spiritually. Thom and his wife, Rosanne’s, commitment to our organisation has been incredibly significant and is intertwined with the fabric of who we are, and what we hope to achieve in the future. Always there, supporting each other, their mutual mission for a better planet continues to inspire.
Thom encapsulated the spirit of Trillion Trees Australia. Inspiring you to try harder, stay longer, plant more. The embodiment of passion for the natural world, Thom truly was a ‘man of the trees.’ We will forever miss his infectious enthusiasm and shall continue his legacy to plant a trillion trees.