In October we were delighted to host a group of rangers from Ballardong Aboriginal Corp. Our nursery team and restoration manager shared knowledge about our restoration projects and gave practical propagation demonstrations to help the rangers train for their Certificate II in Horticulture.
The Ballardong Ranger program is a new initiative funded through the DBCA Aboriginal Ranger Program and delivered by Ballardong Aboriginal Corp. Ballardong refers to the Noongar language or dialectal group north-east of Perth. The Ballardong region includes the towns of Northam, York, Beverley, Goomalling, Cadoux, Koorda, Wyalkatchem, Goomalling and Cunderdin. The towns of Kellerberrin and Merredin are further east. To the south-east are the towns Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Hyden, Kondinin, Kulin, Dumbleyung, Kukerin, Lake Grace and Varley. The approximate size of the Ballardong region is 63,000 sq km. We are excited to build connections with Ballardong Aboriginal Corp to support our work in the Wheatbelt.
The Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation is a newly created corporation and represents the traditional owners of the Ballardong region of the south west of Western Australia. BAC works to manage native title benefits, while also advancing and strengthening Noongar culture, language, heritage, and society.
The Ballardong Rangers have completed the first two units of Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management, a DFES bushfire fundamentals course, and attended conferences hosted by the Noongar Language Centre and Karla Katitjin Bushfire Centre of Excellence.
They’ve also been meeting with stakeholders across the region to learn and share knowledge, including the Shire of York and the River Conservation Society.
We look forward to working with the ranger group again as part of this ongoing partnership.